Brazier-smoker from bricks with their hands could be built under the supervision of a master or even a specialist knowledgeable in cooker masonry. Here everything is significant: to choose the perfect building stuff, to prepare yourself , to pound the ideal consistency of the mortar. Along with the construction process itself, it is important for the smoker to find a suitable location on the site, to take care of fire safety.Varieties of designsExternally, multifunctional smokehouses vary in proportion, complete, shape and various factors. They resemble a big Russian stove. However, this is simply a design. The main difference between smokers and charcoal grills is precisely in operation. From this depends upon what a structure made of brick can do. The more working areas there will be, the more extensive the menu for cooking food. These options could be arranged in a brick structure:Smokehouse. The working zone is considered the primary, because of the interest of it the erection of a structure made from brick in this circumstance is provided. Generally, the smokehouse is a closed chamber. Indoors there are grates or hooks for fixing the products. From the process of ingestion, they’re bombarded with smoke, and acquire a golden colour and odor of smoked meat. By layout – it’s an open-type grill. Shashlik is cooked over hot flashes. The surfaces of the grill are all adapted for placing of skewers. Barbecue. It is the exact same mangal, but rather of skewers it’s a grill. It’s utilized to bake steaks as well as other products. Grill. The machine is just like the barbecue, but the food which is being cooked on the grill is covered with a lid. They are simultaneously roasted not only in the bottom, but also at the very top. Cauldron. To cook pilaf, ukha along with other hot dishes around the flame, you will require a separate working area in the smokehouse. It is made in the shape of an oven. Stove is put not deaf, along using […]